Dagboek van een vervanger
2022, 19,99 EUR

een Geen Pijn productie ism. Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, 2022
19,99 EUR (ex shipping) – in the MDD shop or write to
Begin september 2020 plaatst Karina Beumer een vacature waarin ze haar eigen kunstenaarschap als baan aanbiedt (betaald). De vervanger zal haar werkzaamheden voortzetten, zowel voor als achter de schermen. Annelein Pompe reageert op de vacature, nog niet helemaal bewust van wat haar te wachten staat. In ‘Dagboek van een vervanger’ beschrijft ze —per uur— haar verslag van deze periode.
Terms of Conditions (pocket edition)
2022, 19,99 EUR

choose-your-own-adventure book 19,99 EUR (ex shipping)
een Geen Pijn productie, 2022
Terms of Conditions is a choose-your-own-adventure book in which the reader embodies a freelancer who simultaneously fires herself and resigns. What are the complications of these actions? The reader determines the story by choosing. Some questions along the way: To what extent are you already a product yourself? Who works for whom? Is it work if you don’t get paid for it? And what about people who make money from your specific insecurities, from your fears, desires and dreams?
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Terms of Conditions (third edition)
2021, 39,99 EUR
choose-your-own-adventure book 39,99 EUR (ex shipping)
een Geen Pijn productie, 2021
Terms of Conditions is a choose-your-own-adventure book in which the reader embodies a freelancer who simultaneously fires herself and resigns. What are the complications of these actions? The reader determines the story by choosing. Some questions along the way: To what extent are you already a product yourself? Who works for whom? Is it work if you don’t get paid for it? And what about people who make money from your specific insecurities, from your fears, desires and dreams?
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Selling points: Stroom Den Haag NL, San Seriffe Amsterdam NL, Luddites Antwerpen BE, Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Sint-Martens-Latem BE or
UHF Straight-To-Video TV gids
2021, 15,00 EUR

Where’s the remote, 2021
The TV guide captures the programme of UHF Film Fest, taking place in Video 77, the last videostore of Antwerp. The TV guide also contains an interview with Dolf, the founder of Video77.
for sale via or
Where do the characters go when the story ends?
2018, 30,00 EUR
Where do the characters go when the story ends?
book, 30,00 EUR (ex shipping) – write to
Publication Studio Rotterdam, 2018
“Where do the characters go when the story ends? is both a book and a film trilogy. It comprises Beumer’s recent films ‘Open for new challenges’, ‘Was het maar zo makkelijk’ (If only it were that easy) and ‘We have to think of something else’ (part One and Two). The book chronicles each film frame by frame, interspersing images with texts by Eleanor Duffin, Brenda Tempelaar, Céline Mathieu, Ingrid Verhoeven, Dennis Van Mol, Els, Lise Lotte ten Voorde, Puck Vonk, Stijn Huijts and an accompanying ‘director’s commentary’ dialogue between Beumer and Publication Studio’s Yin Yin Wong, which documents the development of the book itself.
In the spirit of Beumer’s practice, this project is a process of accumulation. Within the films, scripts are build up by being repeatedly enacted, continuously altered and constantly renegotiated. Tools of communication — translation, indication, instruction, and explanation — become stage directions and create entry points for improvisation, weaving reality throughout the scripts that somehow, perhaps through the act of framing itself as art, becomes a fiction of its own. And just as the film becomes an exhibition becomes a book, the status of the participants shifts along with the work too — elements fold onto each other as people unexpectedly find themselves at once an incidental bystander and a star of the film, somehow signing their autographs at its book launch.” Publication Studio
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Unsound methods or how I preferred the movie (36 volumes)
2018, set 1190,00 EUR / per boek 39,00 EUR

Lomez publishing, 2018
Complete set 1190,00 EUR / per boek 39,00 EUR
18106 pages / 15 x 23 cm
edition of 1 and 2 A.P. editionsA digital movie file (06 themissingscene_jungletrailerssummary_karinabeumer.mp4) was opened with an incompatible software (TextEdit) resulting in an illegible novelization of the film.
for sale via or
Dear Micheal Dean
2017, 15,00 EUR

travel journal (copy) 15,00 EUR (ex shipping) – write to
Eleanor Duffin and Karina Beumer cycle from Antwerpen to Munster (Skulptur Projekte) to Kassel (documenta13). A book was stolen on the way.
Selfpublished, 2017
Toolland Johan Roland Brenda Martin Philip Puck Nico & You
2015, SOLD OUT

Selfpublised, 2015
Nine conversations with people and things.
Karina vs. Karina
2014, SOLD OUT

Selfpublished, 2014
Karina and Karina are two artists who compete each other. Karina always wins. Karina always loses.